September 15-19, 2024 Hamburg, Germany
iPlasmaNano-XIII 2024
The 13th international symposium
on plasma nanoscience
The 13th international symposium on plasma nanoscience
September 15-19, 2024 | Hamburg, Germany
The 13th international conference on plasma nanoscience will continue the main themes of the conference series, from the fundamental science to applications of low-temperature plasmas, ion beams, lasers, and related approaches and its relation to the fabrication, synthesis, modification, and integration of nanoscale materials, structures, and functional devices. The conference also welcomes talks on how plasmas interact at the nanoscale and outstanding applications of plasmas in energy, environment and life sciences.
Keynote speaker
Prof. Dr.
Thierry Belmonte
Prof. Dr.
Masaharu Shiratani
Prof. Dr.
David B. Go
Prof. Dr.
Rebecca Anthony
The meeting will include leading scientists and researchers
in plasma science and engineering from around the globe.
Fabrication of inorganic nanomaterials and nanostructures using low-pressure or atmospheric plasmas or ion beams and control of their functionality and surface properties
Fabrication of organic nanomaterials and nanostructures and control of their functionality (materials include (but are not limited to): graphene, carbon, polymers, or other organic materials (e.g., biomaterials)
New plasma processes in low-pressure or atmospheric pressure for nanoscale fabrication, green nanofabrication, improvement of industrial processes, sustainable lifecycles of natural resources
Applications of plasma nanotechnology in the life sciences and chemistry including: diagnostics / monitoring (integration in sensors, biosensors, lab-on-chip, MEMS, etc.)
Plasma catalysis
Applications of plasma nanotechnology in photonics and plasmonics
Applications of plasma nanotechnology in energy and energy harvesting devices Plasmas at new spatiotemporal scales: micro and nanoplasmas, nanosecond pulsing, nanoplasmas generated by ultrafast intense radiation
Modeling and diagnostics of plasmas during nanomaterial growth or etching
Plasmas formed at the surface of or inside liquids
Entrepreneurial efforts in plasma nanotechnology (e.g. new spin-off companies and products)
New low-pressure or atmospheric plasma sources for plasma nanotechnology
Plasma diagnostics and material characterization
Organized by

Previous Conferences
- iPlasmaNano-XII 2023, Guadeloupe, France
- iPlasmaNano-XI 2022, Sevilla, Spain
- iPlasmaNano-X 2019, Porec, Croatia
- iPlasmaNano-lX 2018, New Buffalo, USA
- iPlasmaNano-VIII 2017, Antwerp, Belgium
- iPlasmaNano-VII 2016, Vravrona, Greece
- iPlasmaNano-VI 2015, China
- iPlasmaNano-V 2014, Malaga, Spain
- iPlasmaNano-lV 2013, Asilomar, California, USA
- iPlasmaNano-III 2012, Singapore
- iPlasmaNano-II 2010, Australia
- iPlasmaNano-I 2009, Piran, Slovenia